Cloud Computing and Data Loss Statistics

by | Jan 9, 2024 | Cloud Computing | 0 comments

Cloud Computing and Data Loss Statistics

  • 94% of Enterprises are at least discussing cloud or cloud services – this figure is up from 75% a year ago – Symantec 2013 Report “Avoiding the Hidden Costs of the Cloud” Cloud Computing
  • 95% of companies experienced a data outage in the past year. Ponemon Institute, Cloud Computing
  • 25% of PCs will fail this year. – Gartner via Essential Link
  • It is estimated that the average cost for any major data loss is over $200 per file. If even one database is corrupted or compromised, it can cost an organization hundreds of thousands of dollars in recovery costs and fines — unless, of course, there is redundant data stored in a cloud backup or other system. – The DSS Blog Keep It Running
  • 60% of companies that lose their data will shut down within 6 months of the disaster. – Boston Computing Network’s Data Loss Statistics

CloudBackup’s Facts About Data Loss

  • Key causes for data loss are:
    • 78% Hardware or system malfunction
    • 11% Human error
    • 7% Software corruption or program malfunction
    • 2% Computer viruses
    • 1% Natural disasters
    • 1% Other
  • More than 22% said backing up their PCs was on their to-do list, but they seldom do it.
  • 30% of companies report that they still do not have a disaster recovery program in place, and 2 out of 3 feel their data backup and disaster recovery plans have significant vulnerabilities.
  • The first reaction of employees who lose their data is to try to recover the lost data themselves by using recovery software or either restarting or unplugging their computer — steps that can make later data recovery impossible. –  Source: 2005 global survey by Minneapolis-based Ontrack Data Solution: wait, do not immediately reboot!
  • This year, 40% of small to medium businesses that manage their own network and use the Internet for more than e-mail will have their network accessed by a hacker, and more than 50% won’t even know they were attacked. Source: Gartner Group
  • 20% of small to medium businesses will suffer a major disaster causing loss of critical data every 5 years. Source: Richmond House Group
  • Companies that aren’t able to resume operations within ten days (of a disaster hit) are not likely to survive. Strategic Research Institute
  • 47% of SMBs are currently using desktop virtualization. – 2nd Annual SMB Technology Adoption Trends: CompTIA
  • In order to protect critical information, companies need to regularly test their backup solutions to ensure they work properly. However, nearly one-third (32%) of IT administrators surveyed revealed their organizations do not conduct such tests.  Scary Statistics on SMB Data Backup
  • 82% of companies surveyed saved money moving to the cloud. NSK Inc
  • 80% of companies surveyed saw improvements within the first 6 months of adopting the cloud. NSK Inc

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