There are a wide variety of disaster recovery (commonly referred to as DR) solutions available on the market. Even at Elevated Tech, we offer the configured infrastructure to support Arcserve, StorageCraft, Veeam, and DoubleTake DR solutions. With this many services available, it may be challenging to select a solution that perfectly fits the needs and budget of your client. Once you find the optimal arrangement, you may even want full control over the back-end replication management.
Elevated Tech is proud to announce that we offer FlexDR, a flexible option that allows you to easily control, manage, and monitor the chosen DR solution preferred for your clients. To get you on track, we will provide dedicated virtual machines for you to install your solution of choice and we will mount the requested storage to the virtual machine. In addition, we can work together to with your chosen solution if it features the ability to create a standby virtual machine, creating virtual servers on our Hyper-V infrastructure to spin up if needed.
You can bring your chosen DR solution to us and we’ll provide all of your hosting needs. We want to offer our clients the freedom to select an option that works best for their unique needs while still providing reliable DR services and hosting that you can trust.
Elevated Tech is proud to add FlexDR to our wide range of hosting options. To learn more about FlexDR and how our available services can help your business, contact us today.